Regional Gastronomy and Oenology

One of the main tourist attractions in the Ribatejo Region is its gastronomy, whose flavor is linked to fishing and the countryside.

The Lezírias do Ribatejo and the large Herdades do Vale do Tejo are the origin of pure meats that popular knowledge welcomed at the table from an early age. Other influences came from Alentejo, brought by those who came chasing dreams, and of which Açordas and Migas are just examples.

As further examples of ingredients and products that most identify this Region we have Carolino Rice, Olive Oil, Melons, Tomatoes and Sausages that abound in Lezíria. Shad, Fataças and Eels come from the Tagus, which crosses the Ribatejana Province from south to north.

The geographic variety also implies a myriad of work activities that are reflected in the daily routine of eating, giving rise to dishes so characteristic of this region such as Sopa da Pedra, Magusto with Bacalhau, Açorda de Sável with Roe of the same, the Fataça na Telha, the Lamb Stew or the Chunk of Bull Bravo Avinhado.

Celestes, Fogaças or Tigeladas are just some of the many sweets that the region's sweets have to offer.

Discover a true heritage of flavors here!